Words are powerful.
Just this past week I delivered a message on the "Power of Words." If you look closely it's a theme throughout the entire Bible.
God SPOKE the world into existence.
God's promise to Abram in Genesis 12...words.
Proverbs says that words can bring blessing or curses, life or death.
Following Jesus begins with confessing with our mouth (words) that he is Lord.
On July 31st, 2011, I showed up to a wedding a single man and left a married man. The difference? Several words that made up mine and Katelyn's vows to one another to be faithful until death or until Jesus' comes back.
That's the power of words.
2018 further confirmed the power of words in my mind. We chose one word as a family theme and executed on it. What word you ask?
We wanted to respond to opportunities and needs that we were seeing and be people that were quick to take action instead.
After a lot of daydreaming, we finally took action towards improving our kitchen and living area to improve our ability to be hospitable.
I responded to my discontent with my health by training for and completing 2 half marathons.
When our kids spilled milk, we quickly reminded them to respond.
When one of Katelyn's top volleyball players blew her knee out 3 matches into the season, they resolved to respond and had an incredible year despite that adversity.
One word may seem too small, but it touched every area of our life.
Some of you may have already botched your traditional new year's resolution...I have great news for you, it's ok!
I challenge you to switch up your approach.
Pray and seek the Lord for what he's calling you and your family to this year.
Land on a One Word theme and put it everywhere. Make it your lock screen on your phone, print it and put it on the door at eye level so you see it on your way out of the house.
"RESPOND" changed our life. This year our family's word is "INTIMACY."
We will pursue intimacy with the Jesus, each other, and those who God has put in our life.
My brother in law Rhett said this recently, "Relationships are not a means to an end in the Kingdom, they are the end goal."
Love God. Love Others.
Get your word for 2019 and start seeing what God can do in and through you!