When I first started coaching track at Bellevue High School, I tried to demonstrate to an athlete how to throw the discus. (I had no clue!)
The girls' track coach, the late Pep Stidham, saw my feeble attempt and walked over to the discus ring to rescue me and said, "This is how you do it!" Yup! That's how you do it! I (I learned a lot from that man!)
Coaches are usually great demonstrators.
Football coaches demonstrate correct stances or how to "swim move" an offensive lineman.
Volleyball coaches and tennis coaches demonstrate how to hit a serve with maximum velocity.
Basketball coaches demonstrate how to shoot a free throw properly or block out under the basket.
Track coaches demonstrate how go give and receive a handoff or how to get set in starting blocks. (And after you have learned, how to throw the discus!) (I know I left out some sports! Forgive me!)
A demonstration is better than just an explanation, better than just reading about the technique.
Jesus was a great demonstrator. Many years ago on a cross on a lonely hillside outside Jerusalem, Jesus demonstrated His love for the world.
"But God demonstrates His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
Jesus demonstrated His love by dying, not just by delivering great sermons, not just by healing or raising people from the dead. Ultimately, the great expression of the love of God was by dying on a cross for us all.
Ever wonder if God loves you? Look no further than the cross. You will find your answer in a man whipped and beaten and nailed and mocked and dying.
If Jesus had two more words to say on the cross, perhaps He would say, "For you."
Lord, thank you for dying on a cross for me. For demonstrating such immeasurable love through such a horrific sacrifice. I accept your death as payment for my sin, for all that I have done and all that I will ever do. Amen
Coach, next time you demonstrate a technique to an athlete, may it remind you of God's great demonstration of love for on a cross by dying for your sin.
Marty Mayer
Northern Kentucky FCA