"Oxygen for Your Soul" by Jon Gordon

Nate Sallee • Jul 06, 2020

The Power of Words

Jon Gordon
Truett Cathy asked, "How do you know if a man or woman needs encouragement?"
He answered, "If they are breathing."

With so many suffocating in pessimism today we need encouragement, optimism and faith to provide us with oxygen for our souls.

The word encourage means "To put courage into." We all need to encourage and put courage into ourselves and others.

Today let's:

Attack This Day with Enthusiasm - The word enthusiasm comes from the root word "entheos" which means filled with the divine. Let's tap into a greater power and strength to keep going. Faith in God doesn't make life easier. It makes you stronger.

Feed the Positive and Weed the Negative - Your mind is like a Garden. You need to weed the negative and feed the positive each day to create a fertile environment that produces amazing fruit. The more you feed yourself with the positive the more you can feed others. If you don't have it, you can't share it. Weed, Feed, Share!

Be Thankful - You can't be stressed and thankful at the same time. When you are feeling blessed you can't be stressed. Think about what you are thankful for right now. Write it down. Think about it throughout the day.

Talk to Yourself instead of Listen to Yourself - Don't listen to the fear and negative thoughts that fill your mind with Doubt and Discouragement (two of the 5 D's). They are lies that try to hold you back and keep you from living your destiny and purpose. Instead speak truth to the lies. The truth is you are here for a reason. You are here to do great things and you have greatness inside of you. The truth is you will prevail through this time.

Live and Look Forward - Your vision is greater thank your circumstances and your purpose is greater than your challenges. Stop looking backwards. Your life isn't there anymore. You can't change the past, but you can find focus, optimism and peace in the present to create your future. Stop looking at the negativity on the screen and look up to the heavens. Then look out into your future and think about what you truly want to create. If you can see it you can create it. If you have a vision you also have the power to make it happen.

Someone told Zig Ziglar that motivation doesn't last to which he replied, "Neither does bathing. It's why you have to do it each day."

Encouragement works the same way. We are facing a difficult time. There's a lot of pain and suffering. The struggle is real but so is your power to overcome.

Remember to encourage and put courage into yourself and others each day. Don't worry about the future. Just encourage yourself daily and give your soul the oxygen it needs to be fully alive and thrive.  

Stay Positive,


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