FCA - NKU Campus House Project Campaign

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UPDATE: We closed on Nov. 16th!

Renovations are well on their way and our first tenant has moved in!


The following is a briefing on an opportunity that has been presented to us to better serve Northern Kentucky University as we work to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of Coaches and athletes

The Sallee family’s “one word” for 2020 is STEWARDSHIP. It’s amazing all of the areas this applies to. To steward and multiply the resources God has given us is near and dear to our heart. It was on our heart to pursue assets in any way possible to allow donations to the ministry to multiply and generate sustainable revenue...ultimately fueling more life transformation through the Gospel! 

We just didn’t have a clear path...and this fell into our lap.

There’s much more to the story but here’s the point: 

One of the ways FCA can expand the ministry is to acquire a property near NKU

WHAT: A Strategically placed house near NKU University for at a DEEP discount.


NKU’s Christian Student Fellowship ministry recently had their campus ministers retire and were not replaced by new staff. They also moved out of a house right next to campus that they are looking to liquidate in conjunction with their retirement. 

The board of this organization approached us about purchasing the property as they’d love to see it continue to be used for ministry and they appreciate what God is doing on campus through FCA’s presence there. 

God has been moving and we’ve seen decisions for Christ, have baptized several athletes/coaches, and have launched others to make disciples themselves!

Here’s what it would take to make NKU FCA Campus Ministry House happen… 

$120,000 given to FCA in order to pay cash for the home and purchase it free and clear and make needed repairs.

WHERE: on the border of NKU’s campus (map)

WHY: Ministry considerations

  • FCA tenants will be commissioned to use this house to be hospitable and to organically reach and disciple those in their circle of influence. 

  • Provides a reliable and flexible hub for ministry and small group gatherings, bible studies, and events. Without this, we are at the mercy of the school’s policies and procedures in regards to FCA’s access. 

  • The location is perfect to serve this campus, it’s not officially on campus but as the map below shows it’s a short walk to multiple athletic facilities. 

HOW: Single gifts from the extended family of NKY FCA

  • It’s an “All or Nothing” opportunity as FCA does not allow areas to take on mortgages. It needs to be purchased outright. Pledges would not be collected unless the commitments equal or exceed the purchase price of the home.

  • Donations are multiplied over time through residual rent revenue:
  • Approximately $5,000-15,000/year (Based on 1-3 student or intern tenants at an affordable rent amount.) 

Would you prayerfully consider pledging a single gift to this project or an in-kind donation of labor/furnishings?

Next Step: Donate online, by check, or contact Nate Sallee if you're interested in offering in-kind labor or furnishings. 

Email: nsallee@fca.org

The House: 

3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, semi-finished basement plus a spacious yard for ministry activities. Includes plenty of off-street parking as well.

Campus Map View: (House is in the bottom right where FCA logo is)

FCA would allocate up to an additional $10k to renovate and maximize the fruitfulness of the home. 

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