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NKU offers Monday night FCA huddles as well as small groups and team huddles through-out the school year.
Follow @nkufca on Instagram for more info.
Thomas More FCA huddle meets on Wednesday night during the school year and also has opportunity for team and small group huddles as well as one on one discipleship.
Follow @tmufca
Beechwood FCA meets weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30am. For more info reach out to
We are in the process of launching a Multi-sport huddle at Bellevue. Please reach out to if interested in getting involved.
FCA at Boone County meets on the second Friday of every month at 7am.
For more info or to get involved please reach out to
Follow @booneco_fca
FCA at Camp Ernst meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 6:45am - 7:30am. For more information reach out to
Follow us @CampErnst_MS_FCA
We are in the process of launching a multi-sport huddle at Campbell County. Boy's Basketball and Baseball both have team huddles currently. If you would like to get involved or more information reach out to
Conner currently has a multi-sport huddle! Please contact Meredith Heater at for more info.
Cooper's multi-sport huddle meets every wednesday in the main Gym before school. Contact Meredith Heater at for more info.
We are in the process of launching a multi-sport huddle at Dayton. If you are interested in getting involved, please reach out to
FCA at Dixie meets on Fridays from 10:05-10:45am in the Mr. Steczynski's room. For more info reach out to
We are in the process of launching FCA at Gallatin Co schools. To get more involved please reach out to
Grant Co HS FCA meets every other Friday at 9am. For more information reach out to
We are in the process of launching FCA at Gray. If you would like to get involved please reach out to
We are in the process of launching FCA at Highlands HS. Girl's soccer and girl's basketball have team huddles. If you would like to get involved, please reach out to
We are in the process of launching a multi-sport huddle at Newport in Mr. Hahn's room. If you would like to get involved, please reach out to
Ockerman MS FCA meets every other Thursday after school from 2:45-3:30pm
For more information reach out to
Ryle FCA meets every Wednesday at 7am in either the auditorium or the gym.
For more information or to get involved reach out to and
Follow us @ryle_fca
Simon Kenton FCA meets on Tuesday mornings from 7:20-7:40am. Mrs. Whitt is the faculty contact. For more information or to get involved, reach out to
Scott High School FCA meets one Friday a month at 9am during club period.
For more info reach out to
Follow @scotths_fca
Twenhofel currently has a football team huddle. If you would like to get more involved contact
Walton-Verona FCA meets monthly on the first Wednesday of the month at 9:30am. For more information reach out to
Follow us @wvbearcats_fca